Monday, November 15, 2010

With the Courageous Support of the United States Government, and Barack Hussein Obama, the Government of Ethiopia Will Continue on Its Present Glorious Course that It has been following Throughout the Administration of George W. Bush and ....

go straigjt to that warm place that isn't Baton Rouge, Louisiana or perhaps where the sun does not shine....


  1. What kind of art is going to win the Department of State's Ethiopian Art Competition, brought to you by Miss Hilary Rodham Clinton, properietor?

    Will some of this art hang in her mansion in Washington, DC, in Georgetown, appropriately named "Whitehaven"?

    Who IS Hillary Rodham Clinton?

    What remarks did she make about Barack Hussein Obama during the Election of 2008 in the United States of America?

    Was she an avid supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization as First Lady or did she wear a Burkha to greet Mrs. Yasir Arafat when Mrs. Arafat herself was not even wearing a Burkha and did she kiss and embrace Mrs. Yassir Arafat?

    Did she claim she was an avid supporter of Israel when she ran for the United States Senate as a Democrat from New York State, which has a large populatioj of members of the Hebrew or Jewish faith?

    Does she get large political campaign contributions from people of the Jewish faith in New York City?

    How could she afford a mansion in DC worth millions after serving for less than 7 years in the United States Senate?

    Is the practice of law in Arkansas that lucrative?

    Did Hillary Rodham fail to pass the District of Columbia bar after she graduated from Yale Law School?

    Is that why she worked on Capitol Hill where one can become counsel without pasaage of a particular state bar but not in the federal govenment?

    Was Hillary Rodham's husband, William Jefferson Cinton disbarred by the Arkansas State Bar following a federal investigation of an investment made by Hillary Rodham Clinton known as Whitewater when she sold lots at a development known as "Whitewater" marketed to those who were retiring and in which, during foreclosure proceedings in which an estate attorney was representing the person foreclosed upon, the rather sharp practices of the investors including Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton were revealed and were later described by Roger Morris in a book he wrote about Whitewater?

    Would anyone who is not a political charlatan characterize Roger Morris as a member of a vast Republican Conspiracy against the Clintons?

    Will Hillary Rodham Clinton strike politically again?

    What will she say about her opponents this time?

    Come on. Make my day.


    Ambassador Donald E. Booth

    Donald E. Booth

    Donald E. Booth was confirmed by the United States Senate on March 10, 2010 and attested by President Barack Obama on March 11, 2010 as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

    Prior to this appointment, Ambassador Booth, a member of the Senior Foreign Service, most recently served as Ambassador to the Republic of Zambia.

    Ambassador Booth previously served as Ambassador to the Republic of Liberia from 2005-2008. Prior to that, he was Director of the Office of Technical and Specialized Agencies at the Department of State’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs. Ambassador Booth has also served as Director of the Office of West African Affairs, Deputy Director of the Office of Southern African Affairs, Economic Counselor in Athens, and Division Chief for Bilateral Trade Affairs at the Department of State. He has attended the National War College and served as a desk officer in the Office of Egyptian Affairs and the Office of East African Affairs. Ambassador Booth was also stationed at embassies in Bucharest, Brussels and Libreville.

    Ambassador Booth earned a bachelor’s degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, a master’s degree in Business Administration from Boston University and a master’s degree in National Security Studies from the National War College. He is married to Anita S. Booth. They have three children. (Amharic version)

    Soon to be a major motion picture produced by the support of The National Endowment for the Humanities:

    "Well liked," The story of two people who played the game and were well rewarded."

    Mr. Booth will most likely be played by Francis Ford Coppola and Mrs. Booth by Sophia Coppola.
