Thursday, December 16, 2010


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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


PILOTS AND STEWARDS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hillary is a ruthless, ambitious but not very well educated and rather ridiculous and hideous woman who told people that all dissent about her husband, the President, should be subject to censorship during an investigation into her financial dealings while her husband was governor of Arkansas. She also said that taking advantage of people by offering them mortgages they could not afford on vacation property in Arkansas was not unethical and that she thought it was perfectly fine to market a property known as "Whitewater" to low and middle income citizens of Arkansas who could not afford the property by offering them enticements they could not deliver and then, to use a real estate term, "flipping" the property. Roger Morris published these facts in a book. Look it up. Yes, I checked the book out.

If "HEALTHCARE REFORM"  is imposed upon Americans, she will not only allow the military and the FBI and the Center for Naval Analyses to look up your file but she will make you lose your TS/SCI full poly clearance to be revoked with extreme prejudice and make a notation in your file to harass you when you go through security at the airport if ANYONE who has the same first and last name as yours decides to go through airport security, especially if they don't work at the airport and if it is anything like the terminal at Reagan National at US Airways, it will look like India at that terminal on Sunday afternoon when that bloated old man who is a shill for the banking industry, Barney Frank, who could only be loved by devout CHUBBY CHASERS goes through the gate to take a connecting fight to Chicago.  NEXT TIME, SUCKER, NEXT TIME.....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Fake News" for Mary Bottari Who Works for the New Opportunist Party

MSNBC uses "fake news." Call Mary Bottari and tell her to stop flogging books by PR men from CIGNA which was the insurance carrier for Air France America.

Tell her to look at "fake news" on MSNBC about how the FBI thinks Barbie Dolls can be used as a secret weapon. Robert K. Wittman is the FBI's art critic, not the clown they had on NBC.

Mary Bottari runs a nonprofit called PR Watch but won't publish any bad news about banking law even if one of her former colleagues at George Washington University Law School is a banking law expert who litigated an important case and was on the Diane Rehm show. Call Bottari in Madison, Wisconsin, and ask her about MSNBC's "fake news" and about what her former colleague thinks about the politics behind "banking reform" and I can tell you how banking law has always operated on looking for loopholes and how Paul Volcker believed in increasing bank powers to do what the American Bankers Association wanted and how Eugene Ludwig, former head of Bankers’ Trust in Boston and of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency under Bill Clinton, tells the American Banker newspaper how you can derail a National Bank examiner if you use the services of his consulting firm, Promontory Financial Group, and how he has billed himself as a supporter of Paul Volcker's high interest policies which in my experience in the seventies and early eighties, hurt the person with few assets and low income much more than the rich whose investments can only go up in value, and how The Washington Post's advertising Department’s IT is screwed up, because their management is bad and how American Express helped me with that once. And how through favoritism certain people in the Post who process credit card orders for advertising write dunning letters to ruin the credit of people who have had refunds made to them by labeling them deadbeats  and how it  takes more than 24 hours for that Washington Post credit card taker who is called a “manager,” who should be called a clerk, to clear the matter up while someone who has financial transactions with the Post suffers before an important business meeting, shocked by that kind of irresponsible letter, and how that kind of issue, and not the Post’s management of the news, is relevant to a shareholder's meeting, no matter what Lally Weymouth’s little girl Katharine says, and how no one could have sold anyone's stock if the individual holds the stock certificate in a safe deposit box except through simple fraud and identity theft and how the Washington Post's business dealings are so abysmally run that they have opened themselves up to a shareholder's derivative action, most likely, and how Bob Woodward got very rich because he was very lucky and no woman in her right mind should go out with anyone who was ever been played by Jack Nicholson in the movies.

Monday, November 29, 2010

"Fly High" - a Commercial for National Airport and the Jefferson Airplane

Grace WILL call Arnold and Porter New Business Development after she sees this posting and they will shut down You Tube if Hillary doesn't first.  Hillary is an art critic, you know, and a fashion gendarme in the manner of Anna Wintour.  She is the arbiter of fashion, culture, taste, intellectual property, while Tipper was the arbiter of sex, drugs and rock and roll  with her campaign against dirty rock lyrics, not exactly the worse thing about rock and roll but perhaps the alcohol.  So between the two of them they pretty much were the dragon ladies of Washington.  No wonder Al is dumping her.

The Jefferson Airplane will now perform "Fly High and Enjoy the  Patdown in First Class with Your Companion Animal, a Sheep Named Daisy."  Which is the flying experience we have today.

Seriously,this is from the good old days when flying was such an enjoyable experience, it was associated with getting high.

What's That Sound?

FEMA'S FRAN MCCARTHY: HUMANITARIAN OR GRAMMMARIAN?,e13335be&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=wyRrcT2k7PrkbOfpmV104A--
Edicts issued by obese Hell's Angel-like FEMA Executive Francis X. "Fran" McCarthy, buffoon extraordinare, reveal the FEMA bureaucrats' tendency to issue grammatical edicts rather than to help hurricane victims in New Orleans. 

We have yet to find a picture of this large, greaseball, but as one woman at FEMA remarked, "I pity his wife. Doesn' he look as if he would leave a ring around a woman if she went to bed with him?"


Greaseball bureaucrat extraordinaire and GS-15, Feeding from the Public Trough during Katrina, Victoria, James, Joe Johnny, Tom, Dick but not Harry, has  he not terrorizzed and  disgustingly inflicted himself on  one woman after another until he strikes paydirt and gets his "perks?."

A menace? A villain? A viaga ad?

New FDA Legislation of Organic Farming Will Have Chilling Effect on Small Farms

This just in from Dr. Larry Plumlee, MD, Princeton and Hopkins Med School:
The vote on S 510 begins today at 4pm on the Senate floor - this bill cannot pass as is. Our tax dollars at work: "FDA Currently Spends $1,000,000 a month to Get a State to Shut Down Artisan Farms" ...The FDA should not have any jurisdiction within our states to control our choices!

The FDA would like to have full control over our choices for healthy, life giving food that we choose to buy from our local farms and farmers. This would put most small local family farms out of business! Do we really need to add to the unemployment figures now???

***You can help. Here's how:

- As soon as you read this, if it's before 5pm Monday EST, I urge you to pick up the phone and CALL your U.S. Senator's offices and voice your opposition to Senate Bill 510.

- Don't know your Senator's phone number...? Call the Capitol Switchboard and ask to be directly connected to your Senator's office: 202-224-312 1.

- You can find contact information for your US Senator at:

- Please share this article on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks so that people may join us in this grassroots effort to defeat the next great tyranny in America BEFORE it can be unleashed. This is our final hour on S 510, and every call counts!

If you favor your freedom to obtain farm fresh food, without interference by the FDA, I urge you to call both of your Senators today, every Republican Senator and both Independent Senators (Lieberman of CT and Sanders of VT) and tell them the following:

1. Your name and whether or not you are a constituent. If you are not a constituent, please say where you live.

2. You are a local, healthy food supporter who is concerned about S 510.

3. If you are a North Carolinia n calling Hagan or Burr, please thank them for their work and add, "…and I must ask her/him to do more."

4. Ask the Senate to vote as follows:

"No" on cloture,

"Yes" on the Coburn substitute,

"Yes" on the Managers' substitute bill, if Coburn fails

"No" on the overall bill.

*On a side note: I also stated that the senators vote today will have an effect on how I vote for them in the future.

You can also contact your senators via email on their websites, also listed on the above site. Here is an example of what you can write to them:

Dear Mr./Ms. {last name of senator},

I am a constituent of yours in {enter your state}. I am extremely concerned about S 510 as I am a supporter of being able to obtain locally grown, farm fresh food from local producers here in {your state}. I do NOT feel that the FDA is qualified to make choices such as this for me and my family. I have done my research and know my farmers, their practices and I know what I am purchasing from these farmers is the best choice for me and my family.

I ask that you vote as follows regarding S 510:

"No" on cloture,

"Yes" on the Coburn substitute,

"Yes" on the Managers' substitute bill, if Coburn fails

"No" on the overall bill.




Obamacare: Universal Mandatory Marriage Act?

While some say that Obamacare will lower the cost of insurance premiums it is likely  that people will have to get married to get group health plans offered by insurance companies through employers.  Thus, marriage will become almost mandatory if you want to stay alive.

Should Federal Workers Suffer for the Sins of Their Leaders?

Obama says he is going to freeze the pay of federal workers at a time when the Congress will most likely vote themselves another pay raise, inflaming the American public who voted in droves against the Democratic Party in the mid-term elections. This move is a gift to the Republican Party at a time when they need it badly.

While Nancy Pelosi is neither like the Borgia Sisters nor like Lady MacBeth, she does suffer from a vast image problem. And when the defender of censorship in America, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton who decided to become an art critic during her Senate term by sponsoring a bill to burden the FBI with policing the internet to censor anything that she might feel is a "copyright" violation when such censorship is totally unnecessary since neither Nagisa Oshima nor Jean-Luc Godard need to really have the FBI shut down internet sites but would prefer that thieves not steal their designer luggage at the airport.  Neither TSA nor the FBI nor the Wiki Leaks is the problem.

The problem is Hilary Rodham Clinton herself, way out of her depth, floundering on the brink of war like some drowning Albatross whose feathers are coated with petroleum from the collision of the tanker Exxon Valdez, as much as they are now coated by oil from British Petroleum, with, as the Ancient Mariner would have said, her mojo not working. 

As everyone knows, the wonderful Joe Biden, a former basketball player of whom it might have been said by the late Lyndon Johnson, "He must have given Obama that fat lip this weekend, because if it were me, darlin', I sure would have," did commit plaigerism by copying a speech delivered by a British member of parliament once in the seventies or eighties when Brad Pitt was wearing a gorgeous page boy hairdo as an actor on "21 Jump Street," the reality show version of "That Seventies Show" you can find on facebook.

Yes, Joe Biden had a plaigerism scandal once so perhaps Eric Holder should get up off his very large derriere and sue him in a stunning tour de force in this new farce in our TV pilot, "The Clinton Dynasty."

Our stars, PD (Johnny Depp?) and Monica (Lucy Liu?), decide to pose as Uighurs with forged Chinese passports with two little children trained personally in the martial arts by Jackie Chan and get arrested. in a Chinese restaurant by just having them eat there.   They are then sent back to China by cops following the Secure Communities rules.  When they get there, they are put in a Chinese prison until a Uighur lobbyist convinces Harold (Ralph Fiennes) and Kumar (Cate Blanchette) who now work in the Obama White House to acccompany them to Bermuda until the forged passports are discovered and Hilary Clinton (in a cameo role by Whoopi Goldberg) decides to go after them. Many good chase scenes by African stunt drivers from Arlandria who already have a union.

Good luck, Hillary!

Texts for Today's Lesson:

Source Materials:

Harold and Kumar Escape from Guano Bay

Hooker, The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is a Scalawag?? America's Most Wanted


Please read:
A personal appeal from
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales


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In United States history, scalawag was a nickname for southern whites who supported Reconstruction following the Civil War.Some were former Unionists.



[edit] History

Scalawags formed a winning coalition with black freedmen and Northern newcomers (pejoratively labeled carpetbaggers) to take control of their state and local governments.
Despite being a minority, they gained power by taking advantage of the Reconstruction laws of 1867 that disenfranchised the majority of Southerners who could not or did not wish to take the Ironclad oath certifying that they did not serve in Confederate military or hold any office under the previous regime.
This coalition controlled for varying lengths of time during 1866-1877 every ex-Confederate state except Virginia. Two of the most prominent scalawags were General James Longstreet (Robert E. Lee's top general, after Stonewall Jackson), and Joseph E. Brown, the wartime governor of Georgia. In the 1870s, many switched from the Republican Party to the conservative-Democrat coalition, who called themselves Redeemers. Conservative Democrats replaced all Southern state Republican regimes by 1877.
In 1961 historian John Hope Franklin gave this assessment of the motives of Southern Unionists. He noted that as more Southerners were allowed to vote and participate:[1]
A curious assortment of native Southerners thus became eligible to participate in Radical Reconstruction. And the number increased as the President granted individual pardons or issued new proclamations of amnesty.
Their primary interest was in supporting a party that would build the South on a broader base than the plantation aristocracy of Antebellum days. They found it expedient to do business with Negroes and so-called carpetbaggers; but often they returned to the Democratic party as it gained sufficient strength to be a factor in Southern politics.
In Alabama, scalawags dominated the Republican Party.[2] 117 Republicans were nominated, elected, or appointed to the most lucrative and important state executive positions, judgeships, and federal legislative and judicial offices between 1868 and 1881. They included 76 white southerners, 35 northerners, and 6 blacks. In state offices during Reconstruction, white southerners were even more predominant: 51 won nominations, compared to 11 carpetbaggers and one black. 27 scalawags won state executive nominations (75%), 24 won state judicial nominations (89%), and 101 were elected to the Alabama General Assembly (39%). However, fewer scalawags won nominations to federal offices: 15 were nominated or elected to Congress (48%) compared to 11 carpetbaggers and 5 blacks. 48 scalawags were members of the 1867 constitutional convention (49.5% of the Republican membership); and seven scalawags were members of the 1875 constitutional convention (58% of the minuscule Republican membership.)
In South Carolina there were about 100,000 scalawags, or about 15% of the white population. During its heyday, the Republican coalition attracted some wealthier whites, especially moderates favoring cooperation between open-minded Democrats and responsible Republicans. Rubin shows that the collapse of the Republican coalition came from disturbing trends to corruption and factionalism that increasingly characterized the party’s governance. These failings disappointed Northern allies who abandoned the state Republicans in 1876 as the Democrats under Wade Hampton reasserted conservative control. They used the threat of violence to cause many Republicans to stay quiet or switch to the Democrats.[3]
The most prominent scalawag was James L. Alcorn of Mississippi. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1865 but, like all southerners, was not allowed to take a seat while Congress was pondering Reconstruction. He supported suffrage for freedmen and endorsed the Fourteenth Amendment, as demanded by the Republicans in Congress. Alcorn became the leader of the scalawags, who composed about a third of the Republicans in the state, in coalition with carpetbaggers and freedmen. Elected governor by the Republicans in 1869, he served from 1870 to 1871. As a modernizer he appointed many like-minded former Whigs, even if they were Democrats. He strongly supported education, including public schools for blacks only, and a new college for them, now known as Alcorn State University. He maneuvered to make his ally Hiram Revels its president. Radical Republicans opposed Alcorn and were angry at his patronage policy. One complained that Alcorn's policy was to see "the old civilization of the South modernized" rather than lead a total political, social and economic revolution.[4]
Alcorn resigned the governorship to become a U.S. Senator (1871–1877), replacing his ally Hiram Revels, the first African American senator. Senator Alcorn urged the removal of the political disabilities of white southerners, rejected Radical Republican proposals to enforce social equality by federal legislation,[5] he denounced the federal cotton tax as robbery [6] and defended separate schools for both races in Mississippi. Although a former slaveholder, he characterized slavery as a cancer upon the body of the Nation and expressed the gratification which he and many other Southerners felt over its destruction.[7]
Alcorn led a furious political battle with Senator Adelbert Ames, the carpetbagger who led the other faction of the Republican Party in Mississippi. The fight ripped apart the party, with most blacks supporting Ames, but many—including Revels, supporting Alcorn. In 1873, they both sought a decision by running for governor. Ames was supported by the Radicals and most African Americans, while Alcorn won the votes of conservative whites and most of the scalawags. Ames won by a vote of 69,870 to 50,490, and Alcorn retired from state politics.[8]

[edit] Origins of the term

The term was originally a derogatory epithet but is used by many historians as a useful shorthand. The term originally meant rascal. Here is a quote by historian Ted Tunnell on the origins of the term:[9]
Reference works such as Joseph E. Worcester's 1860 Dictionary of the English Language defined scalawag as "A low worthless fellow; a scapegrace." Scalawag was also a word for low-grade farm animals. In early 1868 a Mississippi editor observed that scalawag "has been used from time immemorial to designate inferior milch cows in the cattle markets of Virginia and Kentucky." That June the Richmond Enquirer concurred; scalawag had heretofore "applied to all of the mean, lean, mangy, hidebound skiny [sic], worthless cattle in every particular drove." Only in recent months, the Richmond paper remarked, had the term taken on political meaning.
During the 1868-69 session of Judge "Greasy" Sam Watts court in Haywood County, North Carolina, Dr. William Closs, D.D. testified that a scalawag was "a Native born Southern white man who says he is no better than a negro and tells the truth when he says it." Some accounts record his testimony as "a native Southern white man, who says that a negro is as good as he is, and tells the truth when he says so."
The word's origins lie, via Scallywag in the Irish language word for drudge or farmservant, "sgaileog". It is a word which appears to be in common modern use within towns that have historic Irish communities in the Northwest of England, predominately Liverpool, where it is sometimes abbreviated to "scall" or "scally". It is also a derogatory epithet, one that denotes a fashion follower of low class or abilities.

[edit] Accusations of corruption

Scalawags were denounced as corrupt by Redeemers. The Dunning School of historians sympathized with the claims of the Democrats. Agreeing with the Dunning School, Franklin said, that the scalawags "must take at least part of the blame" for graft and corruption. "But their most serious offense was to have been loyal to the Union during the Civil War or to have declared that they had been loyal and thereby to have enjoyed full citizenship during the period of Radical Reconstruction." [10]
The Democrats alleged the scalawags to be financially and politically corrupt, and willing to support bad government because they profited personally. One Alabama historian claimed: "On economic matters scalawags and Democrats eagerly sought aid for economic development of projects in which they had an economic stake, and they exhibited few scruples in the methods used to push beneficial financial legislation through the Alabama legislature. The quality of the bookkeeping habits of both Republicans and Democrats was equally notorious." [11] However, historian Eric Foner argues there is not sufficient evidence that scalawags were any more or less corrupt than politicians of any era, including Redeemers.[12]
In terms of racial issues, "White Republicans as well as Democrats solicited black votes but reluctantly rewarded blacks with nominations for office only when necessary, even then reserving the more choice positions for whites. The results were predictable: these half-a-loaf gestures satisfied neither black nor white Republicans. The fatal weakness of the Republican party in Alabama, as elsewhere in the South, was its inability to create a biracial political party. And while in power even briefly, they failed to protect their members from Democratic terror. Alabama Republicans were forever on the defensive, verbally and physically." [11]
Social pressure forced most scalawags to join the conservative/Democratic Redeemer coalition. A minority persisted and formed the "tan" half of the "Black and Tan" Republican party, a minority in every southern state after 1877.[13]

[edit] Influence

White Southern Republicans included formerly closeted Southern abolitionists as well as former slaveowners who supported equal rights for freedmen. (The most famous of this latter group was Samuel F. Phillips, who later argued against segregation in Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896)). Included, too, were people who wanted to be part of the ruling Republican Party simply because it provided more opportunities for successful political careers. Many historians have described scalawags in terms of social class, showing that on average they were less wealthy or prestigious than the elite planter class.[14]
The mountain districts of Appalachia were often Republican enclaves.[15] People there held few slaves, and they had poor transportation, deep poverty, and a standing resentment against the Low Country politicians who dominated the Confederacy and conservative Democracy in Reconstruction and after. Their strongholds in West Virginia, eastern Kentucky and Tennessee, western Virginia and North Carolina, and the Ozark region of northern Arkansas, became Republican bastions. Those areas are again or still Republican. These rural folk had a long-standing hostility toward the planter class. They harbored pro-Union sentiments during the war. Andrew Johnson was their representative leader. They welcomed Reconstruction and much of what the Radical Republicans in Congress advocated.
As Thomas Alexander (1961) showed, there was persistent Whiggery (support for the principles of the defunct Whig Party) in the South after 1865. Many ex-Whigs became Republicans who advocated modernization through education and infrastructure—especially better roads and railroads. Many also joined the Redeemers in their successful attempt to replace the brief period of civil rights promised to African Americans during the Reconstruction era with the Jim Crow era of segregation and second-class citizenship that persisted into the 20th century.
Baggett profiled 742 Scalawags, comparing them to 666 Redeemers who opposed and eventually replaced them. He compared three regions: the Upper South, the Southeast, and the Southwest. Baggett followed the life of each scalawag before, during, and after the war, with respect to birthplace, occupation, value of estate, slave ownership, education, party activity, stand on secession, war politics, and postwar politics.[16]
Baggett thus looked at 1400 political activists across the South, and gave each a score:[citation needed]
  • score = 1 an antisecessionist Breckinridge supporter in 1860 election
  • 2 1860 Bell or Douglas supporter in 1860 election
  • 3 1860-61 opponent of secession
  • 4 passive wartime unionist
  • 5 peace party advocate
  • 6 active wartime unionist
  • 7 postwar Union party supporter
He found the higher the score the more likely the person was a Scalawag.[citation needed]

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Franklin p. 100
  2. ^ Wiggins 131-38
  3. ^ Rubin 2006
  4. ^ Quoted in Eric Foner, Reconstruction (1988) p 298.
  5. ^ Congressional Globe, 42 Cong., 2 Sess., pp. 246-47
  6. ^ Ibid., pp. 2730-33
  7. ^ Ibid., p. 3424
  8. ^ Pereyra 1966
  9. ^ Tunnell
  10. ^ Franklin, p. 101
  11. ^ a b Wiggins p 134
  12. ^ Foner, Reconstruction
  13. ^ DeSantis 1998
  14. ^ Baggett 2003
  15. ^ McKinney 1998
  16. ^ Baggett

[edit] References

  • Thomas B. Alexander, “Persistent Whiggery in the Confederate South, l860—77," Journal of Southern History 27 (1961) 305-29, in JSTOR
  • Baggett, James Alex. The Scalawags: Southern Dissenters in the Civil War and Reconstruction. Louisiana State University Press, 2003. ISBN 0-8071-2798-1
  • DeSantis, Vincent P. Republicans Face the Southern Question: The New Departure Years, 1877—1897 (1998)
  • Donald, David. "'The Scalawag in Mississippi Reconstruction.” Journal of Southern History 10 (1944) 447—60 in JSTOR
  • Ellem, Warren A. “Who Were the Mississippi Scalawags?” Journal of Southern History 38 (May 1972): 2 17—40 in JSTOR
  • Franklin, John Hope. Reconstruction after the Civil War (University of Chicago Press: 1961) ISBN 0-226-26079-8
  • Garner; James Wilford. Reconstruction in Mississippi 1901. Dunning school monograph
  • Kolchin, Peter. “Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, and Reconstruction: A Quantitative Look at Southern Congressional Politics, 1868 to 1872” Journal of Southern History 45 (1979) 63—76, in JSTOR
  • McKinney, Gordon B. Southern Mountain Republicans, 1865—1900: Politics and the Appalachian Community (1998)
  • Pereyra, Lillian A., James Lusk Alcorn: Persistent Whig. LSU Press, 1966.
  • Perman, Michael. The Road to Redemption: Southern Politics 1869—1879 (1984)
  • Rubin, Hyman. South Carolina Scalawags (2006)
  • Ted Tunnell, "Creating 'the Propaganda of History': Southern Editors and the Origins of Carpetbagger and Scalawag," Journal of Southern History (Nov 2006) 72#4 online at The Free Library
  • Wiggins; Sarah Woolfolk. The Scalawag in Alabama Politics, 1865—1881 (1991) online at Questia

[edit] Sources

  • Fleming, Walter L. Documentary History of Reconstruction: Political, Military, Social, Religious, Educational, and Industrial 2 vol (1906). Uses broad collection of primary sources; vol 1 on national politics; vol 2 on states
  • Memoirs of W. W. Holden (1911), North Carolina Scalawag governor
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"Creating 'the Propaganda of History': Southern Editors and the Origins of ... - 90k - Cached - Similar pages

Scalawags & Carpetbaggers

Feb 7, 2010 ... Scalawags and Carpetbaggers were derogatory terms used in the aftermath of the American Civil War that ended in 1865. ... - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags - Digital History

According to myth, unscrupulous carpetbaggers from the North and unprincipled scalawags from the South manipulated the freedmen to gain control of the state ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

Carpetbaggers & Scalawags — Articles, Video, Pictures ...

During Reconstruction, newly enfranchised African American voters formed a Republican coalition with two small but influential groups. - 55k - Cached - Similar pages

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags

They called them carpetbaggers, after the cloth bags that some carried. "These carpetbaggers didn't come to help," Southerners thought. ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags - Encyclopedia of Arkansas

Jun 9, 2009 ... Carpetbaggers and Scalawags. “Carpetbaggers” is a slang term denoting men who adhered to the newly formed Republican Party, which followed ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, and Reconstruction: A Quantitative Look ...

Republicans were dominated by carpetbaggers and scalawags ..... equal numbers of carpetbaggers and scalawags and will be desig- nated "mixed states. ... - - Cached - Similar pages

Blacks, Carpetbaggers, and Scalawags by Richard L. Hume and Jerry ...

Blacks, Carpetbaggers, and Scalawags offers a quantitative study of these decisive but little-understood assemblies—the first elected bodies in the United ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

10 - 49k - Cached - Similar pages

Carpetbagger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Creating 'the Propaganda of History': Southern Editors and the Origins of ... - 90k - Cached - Similar pages

Scalawags & Carpetbaggers

Feb 7, 2010 ... Scalawags and Carpetbaggers were derogatorwy terms used in the aftermath of the American Civil War that ended in 1865. ... - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags - Digital History

According to myth, unscrupulous carpetbaggers from the North and unprincipled scalawags from the South manipulated the freedmen to gain control of the state ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

Carpetbaggers & Scalawags — Articles, Video, Pictures ...

During Reconstruction, newly enfranchised African American voters formed a Republican coalition with two small but influential groups. - 55k - Cached - Similar pages

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags

They called them carpetbaggers, after the cloth bags that some carried. "These carpetbaggers didn't come to help," Southerners thought. ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags - Encyclopedia of Arkansas

Jun 9, 2009 ... Carpetbaggers and Scalawags. “Carpetbaggers” is a slang term denoting men who adhered to the newly formed Republican Party, which followed ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, and Reconstruction: A Quantitative Look ...

Republicans were dominated by carpetbaggers and scalawags ..... equal numbers of carpetbaggers and scalawags and will be desig- nated "mixed states. ... - - Cached - Similar pages

Blacks, Carpetbaggers, and Scalawags by Richard L. Hume and Jerry ...

Blacks, Carpetbaggers, and Scalawags offers a quantitative study of these decisive but little-understood assemblies—the first elected bodies in the United ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
