Monday, November 29, 2010

New FDA Legislation of Organic Farming Will Have Chilling Effect on Small Farms

This just in from Dr. Larry Plumlee, MD, Princeton and Hopkins Med School:
The vote on S 510 begins today at 4pm on the Senate floor - this bill cannot pass as is. Our tax dollars at work: "FDA Currently Spends $1,000,000 a month to Get a State to Shut Down Artisan Farms" ...The FDA should not have any jurisdiction within our states to control our choices!

The FDA would like to have full control over our choices for healthy, life giving food that we choose to buy from our local farms and farmers. This would put most small local family farms out of business! Do we really need to add to the unemployment figures now???

***You can help. Here's how:

- As soon as you read this, if it's before 5pm Monday EST, I urge you to pick up the phone and CALL your U.S. Senator's offices and voice your opposition to Senate Bill 510.

- Don't know your Senator's phone number...? Call the Capitol Switchboard and ask to be directly connected to your Senator's office: 202-224-312 1.

- You can find contact information for your US Senator at:

- Please share this article on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks so that people may join us in this grassroots effort to defeat the next great tyranny in America BEFORE it can be unleashed. This is our final hour on S 510, and every call counts!

If you favor your freedom to obtain farm fresh food, without interference by the FDA, I urge you to call both of your Senators today, every Republican Senator and both Independent Senators (Lieberman of CT and Sanders of VT) and tell them the following:

1. Your name and whether or not you are a constituent. If you are not a constituent, please say where you live.

2. You are a local, healthy food supporter who is concerned about S 510.

3. If you are a North Carolinia n calling Hagan or Burr, please thank them for their work and add, "…and I must ask her/him to do more."

4. Ask the Senate to vote as follows:

"No" on cloture,

"Yes" on the Coburn substitute,

"Yes" on the Managers' substitute bill, if Coburn fails

"No" on the overall bill.

*On a side note: I also stated that the senators vote today will have an effect on how I vote for them in the future.

You can also contact your senators via email on their websites, also listed on the above site. Here is an example of what you can write to them:

Dear Mr./Ms. {last name of senator},

I am a constituent of yours in {enter your state}. I am extremely concerned about S 510 as I am a supporter of being able to obtain locally grown, farm fresh food from local producers here in {your state}. I do NOT feel that the FDA is qualified to make choices such as this for me and my family. I have done my research and know my farmers, their practices and I know what I am purchasing from these farmers is the best choice for me and my family.

I ask that you vote as follows regarding S 510:

"No" on cloture,

"Yes" on the Coburn substitute,

"Yes" on the Managers' substitute bill, if Coburn fails

"No" on the overall bill.




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