Thursday, December 16, 2010


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Free DLL Viewer is an innovative application that allows you to play all types of DLL file extensions used by Microsoft Windows. A dynamic-link library (aka. DLL) is an executable file that serves as a shared library of functions, that is, to facilitate the sharing of data and resources. DLL contains executable code in Portable Executable format that is shared by many popular applications and can be used by several applications at the same time.

DLLs can contain just data and usually end with the extension, such as .DLL, .EXE, .DRV, .OCX and .FON. Some DLLs are provided with Windows OS and available for any Windows-based applications. Other are written for a particular application and load when the application is running. For instance, the wsock32.dll is made up of code for sending data over the Internet, specifically used by browsers, email users, instant messenger applications, etc.

Wiith Free DLL Viewer, you will be able to run or read any types of DLL file extensions that may be missing or corrupted on your PC. Feel free to download it now at zero cost!

Download DLL Viewer Now - Click here!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


PILOTS AND STEWARDS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hillary is a ruthless, ambitious but not very well educated and rather ridiculous and hideous woman who told people that all dissent about her husband, the President, should be subject to censorship during an investigation into her financial dealings while her husband was governor of Arkansas. She also said that taking advantage of people by offering them mortgages they could not afford on vacation property in Arkansas was not unethical and that she thought it was perfectly fine to market a property known as "Whitewater" to low and middle income citizens of Arkansas who could not afford the property by offering them enticements they could not deliver and then, to use a real estate term, "flipping" the property. Roger Morris published these facts in a book. Look it up. Yes, I checked the book out.

If "HEALTHCARE REFORM"  is imposed upon Americans, she will not only allow the military and the FBI and the Center for Naval Analyses to look up your file but she will make you lose your TS/SCI full poly clearance to be revoked with extreme prejudice and make a notation in your file to harass you when you go through security at the airport if ANYONE who has the same first and last name as yours decides to go through airport security, especially if they don't work at the airport and if it is anything like the terminal at Reagan National at US Airways, it will look like India at that terminal on Sunday afternoon when that bloated old man who is a shill for the banking industry, Barney Frank, who could only be loved by devout CHUBBY CHASERS goes through the gate to take a connecting fight to Chicago.  NEXT TIME, SUCKER, NEXT TIME.....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Fake News" for Mary Bottari Who Works for the New Opportunist Party

MSNBC uses "fake news." Call Mary Bottari and tell her to stop flogging books by PR men from CIGNA which was the insurance carrier for Air France America.

Tell her to look at "fake news" on MSNBC about how the FBI thinks Barbie Dolls can be used as a secret weapon. Robert K. Wittman is the FBI's art critic, not the clown they had on NBC.

Mary Bottari runs a nonprofit called PR Watch but won't publish any bad news about banking law even if one of her former colleagues at George Washington University Law School is a banking law expert who litigated an important case and was on the Diane Rehm show. Call Bottari in Madison, Wisconsin, and ask her about MSNBC's "fake news" and about what her former colleague thinks about the politics behind "banking reform" and I can tell you how banking law has always operated on looking for loopholes and how Paul Volcker believed in increasing bank powers to do what the American Bankers Association wanted and how Eugene Ludwig, former head of Bankers’ Trust in Boston and of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency under Bill Clinton, tells the American Banker newspaper how you can derail a National Bank examiner if you use the services of his consulting firm, Promontory Financial Group, and how he has billed himself as a supporter of Paul Volcker's high interest policies which in my experience in the seventies and early eighties, hurt the person with few assets and low income much more than the rich whose investments can only go up in value, and how The Washington Post's advertising Department’s IT is screwed up, because their management is bad and how American Express helped me with that once. And how through favoritism certain people in the Post who process credit card orders for advertising write dunning letters to ruin the credit of people who have had refunds made to them by labeling them deadbeats  and how it  takes more than 24 hours for that Washington Post credit card taker who is called a “manager,” who should be called a clerk, to clear the matter up while someone who has financial transactions with the Post suffers before an important business meeting, shocked by that kind of irresponsible letter, and how that kind of issue, and not the Post’s management of the news, is relevant to a shareholder's meeting, no matter what Lally Weymouth’s little girl Katharine says, and how no one could have sold anyone's stock if the individual holds the stock certificate in a safe deposit box except through simple fraud and identity theft and how the Washington Post's business dealings are so abysmally run that they have opened themselves up to a shareholder's derivative action, most likely, and how Bob Woodward got very rich because he was very lucky and no woman in her right mind should go out with anyone who was ever been played by Jack Nicholson in the movies.