Sunday, October 17, 2010
Politics: Economic Opportunity for the Inside- the-Beltway Unemployed
Ah tempores! The economy is slow so that makes politics big business. Regime change always stimulates the economy in the Washington Metropolitan area, as it takes an army of T-shirt makers, T-shirt printers, flyer printers, canvassers and phone bankers all getting paid to be part of the regime change industry. During the election cycle when Obama was running in 2008, he decreed that all official Obama campaign T-shirts be manufactured and printed in union shops presumably by members of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union but there were no union shops close by in Northern Virginia so some entrepreneurial types among the Democrats simply had the logos privately printed on white T-shirts purchased at who knows? Target? Walmart? and began to sell them unofficially. When one such Democrat set up a stand in a Northern Virginia location, the crowd, thinking that the T-shirts were actually being given away, stormed the person who had had the nonunion T's printed and was trying to sell them, and walked off with the T-shirts. Wanting so much for Obama to win and not wanting to disabuse the crowd of the notion that the T-shirts were free, the T-shirt privateer was left with no money to show for the privately printed shirts and no means of getting reimbursement.